Thursday, June 2, 2016

La Cháchara Estelar

Each night,
    before succumbing to the day,
    I stroll to the grass outside my window
    for nothing more than a moment.

Seeking the fringe of light, 
    the edge where dark meets its counterpart,
    I stand beneath the night sky and all its wonder.

I consult the stars,
    and perhaps their Maker,
    on matters that transcend mere words.

It does not last long -
    this celestial dialogue -
    just enough time to listen
    and feel I’ve been heard.

We cover things past,
   things present,
   and things that may occur.

While still, I am aware
    as the planet whirls
    and the stars pass by
    as slowly as they always have.

Peace abides in these moments,
    for nothing but Good approaches
    in these brief, profound respites.

When nothing more than stillness remains,
    no more items to discuss,
    I sense the calm and accept the silence.

I breathe in the air around me
    and count my blessings, 
    knowing the best is yet to come. 

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